Kia ora, hello!

Perhaps differing from the norm, unorthodox, inspired by the otherworldly at times, but all-the-while in touch with the “everyday” and the concrete reality of the world we live in. This is me, enjoying learning from “The University of Life”, looking to find the positive angle behind any situation, often spiritually, then, when the opportunity arises, sharing my thoughts and feelings with anyone who might be interested.


Reading time: 2 – 3 minutes.

Sometimes I refer to “God”, but I am not religious… and I’m not trying to convert anybody.  Rather, I feel we have a Creator that is free from any preconceptions, who judges no one, who “manages” everything, while still giving everyone freedom of choice, guiding and supporting us all the way, and allowing us to learn the lessons we need to learn, thus allowing us to grow.  Even if you don’t believe in God, as I like to say, He (and/or She) believes in You.

I’ve had an interest in spirituality since 1993, and I have learned, and learned, and learned. One of my favourite sayings is “Enlightenment is when you know you know nothing at all”. Sums it up pretty much for me. It is probably one of the most relevant quotations I have ever created, going back to 1998. Saying that, even thinking then that I knew more than I did (and making up things to fill the gaps) has been something I have learned from. Over time, thankfully, that thinking has gradually disappeared – at least I hope so!

Hutt River Trail

As I write this now, what I am finding more and more is that life is a progression, and especially with spiritual teachings and similar endeavours, if no one is hurt or controlled in any way, then I feel there can only be positive growth. We all learn through life’s experiences, of course, and I have certainly been fortunate during my time not to have been controlled in my thinking, and I count this as probably the greatest blessing I have had.

We all learn and grow, of course, and for myself, it took me twenty years, but I eventually gained the correct understanding that everyone is their own best teacher, especially where spirituality is concerned. After starting with the “bow to the guru” ideology, it blew me away to realise that, in truth, there is no high and low when spirituality is correctly applied, taught, and experienced.

Transformed from the inside out, a simple lightbulb moment might be actually receiving a “spark from the divine”, rather than just having a wonderful thought. Bumping into someone just at the right time might be an angel looking after you. Turning the page of a book to the perfect place, or hearing just the right song on the radio, sometimes it might be that we are being helped and guided by a loving and caring hand. It’s not always easy to discern if there is some “hidden meaning”, but it’s something we can get better at recognising. Still, sometimes things happen for no reason at all.

Trentham Memorial Park

What I write won’t be everyone’s cuppa tea, and a lot of it is still in my head and heart waiting for people to ask an interesting question, but when the time is right, I’ll write topics on this blog for anyone who might stumble upon this site. Hopefully not everyone agrees with my thinking. Later, perhaps, something printed and tactile, a collection of these ideas, at no cost to buy, or at least where there is no profit involved. We all have dreams, after all, so why not “put something out there” and then see where life takes you? I might find an audience, but please, I’ve seen and been involved in the whole “guru thing”, it’s not pretty. Besides, I have bipolar and I’m on medication… That should be enough to turn anyone off my writing, and my work in general 🙂

Offering all of my writing for free might mean it makes it onto the bottom shelf, at least.  For myself, it’s all about the process, and trusting yes, there is an audience out there, however obscure at this time, rather than holding out for some unrealistic outcome.  Trying to have as few expectations as possible, having the attitude “you never know what the future holds”, I feel can only be a healthy strategy, and hold me in good stead for the future, whatever that future might be.

Like for millions, my writing/social media endeavours come from interests I am passionate about, moving me forward in directions unknown, every day a positive and fulfilling adventure. Like so many things, I feel something shouldn’t be pursued if it’s not fun, or not of need – and if everything is “pushing against you” when you’re trying to do something, if time and time again obstacles get in your way, it’s probably a good sign that what you’re doing is not worth doing.  “Follow your heart”, as the saying goes, and I can’t see anything that will stop me following my own heart, or my creative nature for that matter, at least not until my time has come. Maybe I’ll continue to write, even then! 🙂

Newtown coffee

My books, and much of what I do online, well, I’m not out to become famous (God forbid), and I’m content having enough to be comfortable, have some nice things, to experience life a bit, and to discover and explore, but, to be honest, I would rather be happy and live in a world where everyone else was happy too, than to have a whole lot of stuff I’ll never need, or use. For someone who’s made regrettable clothing purchases more often than I’d like to admit, Op Shop’s have seen me walk through their doors to make a donation too many times to remember. I’m a bit of a minimalist, and that suits me perfectly.

I genuinely feel this material will prove interesting to some, now, in the future, or whenever, otherwise I probably wouldn’t feel like doing it, and I certainly see my efforts as more than just an interesting hobby that comes and goes.  I have run workshops and meditation evenings in the past, and these have all been well received, as have the books I have written, at least those I have shared publicly, many of which can also be found on this website.

Civic Square – Wellington

Passionate, hopefully not too obsessive though, I live and breathe what I feel is true in my heart, but I can leave it all behind for a good flat white and an interesting conversation.  Perhaps a bit altruistic, I like to think I am doing my little bit for the world, following my creativity and inspiration, and seeing where that takes me.  That’s what helps make the world go around, I feel, and a whole lot of love of course!

“We are all shining threads in the
tapestry of life, none any more, or
less important than the other.”

Thank you for your interest,

